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Education or Raptor Release

About Our Programs


Any questions you may have should be answered below, for questions that are not, please email

We typically book 2 months ahead of time, if you are booking with short notice, we cannot guarantee availability.

 All of our programs are done on an outreach basis, we come to you!  Each program consists of between 4 and 6 animals, depending on species and is one hour in length.  Our programs are very interactive, we both ask and encourage questions.  At least one of our African corvids will attend every program, these are the only animals we can allow contact with, at the end of each program, each participant is given a chance for contact where they can take pictures as a memorial of the event.

Mammals can only go to indoor programs (must be able to fully close all doors), birds can be show inside or outside.

Due to state and federal laws, contact can only be allowed with a select few animals.  

Once we receive your booking, we will email you a contract, please return this promptly in order to lock in your date. Bookings are not complete until we have received your contract. If you do not receive a contract within 24 hours, please email Vinny at

We incorporate into each of our programs the following information about each species

  • Native habitat, including information about the country/region of origin
  • Their individual environmental adaptations
  • Their place/job in their native habitat
  • Behavioral traits ( both in captivity and in the wild where this applies)
  • Dietary needs and habits
  • Scientific classification and what that means
  • Status in the wild, including an age appropriate discussion as to why their status is what it is.
  • How to safely cohabitate with wildlife

We have an extensive list of species available to bring to programs:

  • Native American Wildlife
  • Species from 5 different continents
  • Species from 3 of the 5 major ecosystems
  • Several species of marsupial
  • Several species of unique rodents
  • Several species of raptors and birds of prey
  • Species with very unique adaptations to their native environment
  • Species that are endangered in the wild and very rare, even in zoos in the US

View our educational animals here.

Release a Raptor

Each year, the CLAWS team rehabilitates dozens of raptors, either injured or orphaned and we would like to share the amazing experience of returning these beautiful creatures to the wild.

Want to celebrate while also respecting nature? Experience the excitement of releasing a rehabilitated raptor back into the wild. Each release is facilitated by a trained member of the CLAWS team. We will also bring one of our permanent birds of the same species for you to meet and learn about beforehand. This is an opportunity for individuals and groups to experience the thrill of helping a raptor return to the wild.

Raptor releases are available per the birds we have available that are ready to be released.

Note - A travel fee may apply for distances over 20 miles.


Book an appointment with CLAWS, Inc. using Setmore


Cancellations and schedule changes must be sent to CLAWS, Inc. a minimum of 48 hours in advance, baring natural disasters, or full payment will be expected for the program. 



CLAWS, Inc.  © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022